Thursday, August 02, 2007

Spontaneous Body Modification - one year and two months later

I got two more tattoos today - on my lunch break. The first and last time I did this was Monday, May 15, 2006.

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The art means something to me. Both sets. The first set - the plus signs on my wrists - represent duality and symmetry. I wanted very bold shapes that would require lots of ink. Lots of pain. Happily/sadly, testing my pain threshold proved that they did not hurt, not like some piercings. I was ready to get more, but instead I got poor.

I got paid today and decided between lunch and the ink I have always wanted - ink was better. Today's tattoos are "the endless knot". I have wanted these designs for 15 years, exactly half my lifetime. in 1994, I bought a record by one of my fave Dischord bands, IGNITION. The record is entitled Complete Services and I was tranfixed by the pic on the record cover. I knew I would get it as a tattoo someday.

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Cutting out all the religious crap or hope for the innate innocence of humanity (for which I have no use) here is one meaning;
The endless knot (Skt. shrivatsa; Tib. dpal be'u) is a closed, graphic ornament composed of right-angled, intertwined lines. It overlaps without a beginning or an end - continuity as the underlying reality of existence. The intertwining of lines represents how all phenomena are conjoined and yoked together as a closed cycle of cause and effect. Thus the whole composition is a pattern that is closed on in itself with no gaps.

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